Ep.12 – HPA Tech Retreat with Leon Silverman
This year marks a critical time in our industry and a real opportunity for the production and post production community to come together, spearheading innovation and change for our industry’s post-COVID landscape. Join us as we discuss how this year’s Tech Retreat will be managed and what you can expect from the virtual conference.
Leon Silverman heads Strategic Perspective Consulting which is focused on solving for the challenges and opportunities presented by media and entertainment industry transformative change.
For over 40 years, Leon Silverman has helped to drive industry strategy focusing on the intersection of creativity and technology. He has held senior executive roles at Netflix, The Walt Disney Studios, The Eastman Kodak Company, and LaserPacific where he has dedicated his career to the development and introduction of new technology tools and workflows.
Silverman was one of the founders and long standing president of the HPA – the Hollywood Professional Association, where he still sits on the Board and currently chairs its Industry Recovery Task Force focused on return to work and future sustainability of the professional service sectors who support global content creation.
Serving his third term on the Science and Technology Council of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Silverman also chairs its Industry Resumption Task Force which has a focus on how technology might aid the 17 branches of the Academy as it contemplates the transformation of the industry as it copes with the impact of the current pandemic and the technology transformation impacting the motion picture industry. In addition, he sits on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Members-at-Large Executive Committee and is a sponsor of and helped to design and launch the Academy Gold Program.
He has been honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the HPA, the Bob Lambert Technology Leadership Award from the Entertainment Technology Center at USC, has 2 Emmy Awards for his contributions to technology innovation, holds 10 issued patents and numerous Disney Inventor awards for his contributions to patent applications. He has served multiple terms as Governor and is a Life Fellow of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) and is an associate member of The American Society of Cinematographers, and the American Cinema Editors.
In October 2020, he was honored with SMPTE’s Presidential Proclamation honoring his “contributions to the Society and the media entertainment industry as a visionary, innovator, and mentor.”