The HPA Tech Retreat is SOLD OUT! Join Waitlist

Dear Friends of HPA, Welcome to the revamped HPA Newsline!

BLange_headshotIn keeping with the tremendous changes here at the Hollywood Professional Association, we are proud to present this revitalized forum for our members to catch up on news and trends in our various intersecting industries. It is our hope that you find this monthly e-newsletter of value, and that you share your stories, announcements and events here. This is just one of the ways we aim to continue to keep our community vibrant, growing and connected.

If you have news to share, and idea to explore, or events to announce, we urge you to submit them here.

The re-launch of Newsline marks a time of great change for HPA. During last month’s Tech Retreat, Leon Silverman stepped down as President of the HPA, an organization he helped found and which he has steered for the last fourteen years.  We are fortunate that he will continue to share his vision and ideas with us as he continues on the Board of Directors in the role of Past President. New President Seth Hallen brings with him a deep experience in the industry, as well as a profound dedication to the HPA. Seth has served as a Board member since 2007, with a slate of initiatives to share and the enthusiasm and talent to execute them.  Seth will be a featured regular in the newsletter.

In other important news, HPA is going global! The HPA Tech Retreat UK will be held in Oxfordshire, the 13th and 14th of July, 2016.  More information is included in this issue of the Newsline.  Be sure to register to attend this event as a delegate, Innovation Zone demonstration, or as a sponsor.  Learn more here.

Finally, we have completed the transition from Hollywood Post Alliance to the Hollywood Professional Association.  “Professional” more accurately recognizes the ever-widening tapestry of companies and individuals that bring brilliance and innovation to the business of media content.  You can see our new logo in the masthead above.

As we head into the next phase of the HPA, I want you all to know that I consider it an honor to serve as your Executive Director, and I look forward to working with you in the year to come as we take new and exciting steps together.  As our newly-past president is fond of saying, our best work is ahead of us!

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