HPA Tech Retreat: Immersive Audio Standards Ready For Use
By Debra Kaufman

Immersive audio standards are complete, said Sony Pictures Entertainment executive director of audio Brian Vessa, and now the task is to encourage widespread use. Immersive Audio Bitstream (IAB) is the interoperable system that allows one mix — the IAB DCP — to play back in multiple immersive sound systems in movie theaters. “For home entertainment, a single mix can be transcoded to multiple deliverables,” Vessa said. Most tentpole movies are already being mixed natively in immersive audio, he added.
Vessa reported that the number of feature titles with immersive audio has topped 2,000 and is growing. “There are more movies being mixed in immersive audio then there are immersive sound screens,” he said. “Many theater owners haven’t taken the plunge. Cost is a factor, but it’s getting lower as more sound system manufacturers are involved.”
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