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SMPTE 2023 Call for Technical Papers is Now Open!

The SMPTE call for technical paper proposals is now open. This year’s Media Technology Summit will take place at the Loews Hollywood Hotel in Hollywood from 16-19 October, and aims to present all the latest innovative processes, tools, workflows, interoperability solutions, standards, and many other new and exciting initiatives happening in the industry.

Abstracts of technical manuscripts will be accepted from 5 April –  30 May. These abstracts must be anywhere from 300 – 400 words in length and should demonstrate originality, essential research findings with at least preliminary results, and address technical theory, research, innovation, application, or practice specific to any of the evolving technologies associated with the media & entertainment industry. Decision letters will be sent out to those accepted by 3 July. Previously published, product-specific, commercial, sales or promotional papers will not be considered.

“SMPTE Media Technology Summit is a platform for opening up new dialogues and exchanging thoughts on the latest technologies and technical standards in the media & entertainment industry,” says Iris Wu, Co-Chair of the 2023 Media Technology Summit. “By participating in or submitting your technical paper, you can help define the technical foundations of the industry. We invite you to join us and geek out together!”

To submit an abstract and see a list of requirements, topics, and deadlines, visit https://www.smpte.org/summit-call-for-papers.


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