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Visual Effects Society Announces Rules & Procedures for 18th Annual VES Awards

The VES Awards works very hard to keep the Awards fair, meaningful, and open to as many artistic specialties as possible while at the same time being responsive to trends in our field and addressing concerns of its members. Click here to view the R&Ps.

New Category
VES announces with great pleasure the introduction of a new category, Outstanding Special (Practical) Effects in a Photoreal or Animated Project.

Inclusion of Animation in Four Categories
Animation projects now will be eligible to compete in Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a CG Project. Additionally, in recognition of the legions of compositors working in animation, animation compositors will now be eligible to compete in all compositing categories.

There have been some minor changes in the definitions of several categories and entrants are urged to read the definitions carefully.

The format of the R&Ps remains the same so that entrants can quickly find and access all the information they need to submit in any category from within that category’s “home” page. Everything you need to know to prepare an entry can be found with a click on the Category page you are interested in.

The cost of submission remains at $460.00 per entry.

And finally, the date of the 18th Annual VES Awards show is Wednesday, January 29, 2020! We hope to see you there.

Address questions, if any, to awards@visualeffectssociety.com, but please review the R&Ps before sending an e-mail.

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