Xytech Names Aurore Gilewicz to Account Management Role for EMEA
Xytech Veteran to Focus on Growth in UK and Beyond

Xytech Aurore GilewiczLondon, June 24, 2019 — Xytech, the leader in facility management software for media and broadcast, has promoted Aurore Gilewicz to the position of Account Manager at Xytech’s UK office in London. Gilewicz formerly served as Operations Manager for EMEA projects.
In her new role, Gilewicz will focus on nurturing the relationships she’s made in the UK, driving customer satisfaction and growing Xytech’s – footprint in the UK and Western European media, post-production and broadcasting markets.
“Aurore has been an incredible teammate over the past four years,” said Greg Dolan of Xytech. “Our European market is our fastest growing market segment, and Aurore has been key in managing the growth while nurturing the expansion of our European footprint. As Xytech continues to increase its reach in Western Europe, Aurore’s passion and knowledge of the marketplace is an undeniable advantage.”
“Automation, the cloud, consumer-grade user interfaces and mobile applications have all been developed recently. This greatly expands the user reach of our MediaPulse product line and requires us to engage with our clients differently. Aurore brings a deep understanding of the market, the current technology challenges and the always evolving requirements of our clients to the table. We’re all thrilled to have her driving us toward success,” Dolan continued.
Since joining Xytech in 2015, Gilewicz has held both operations and management roles. Recruiting key staff, managing geographically diverse projects and directing support services were part of her previous portfolio.
“My experience in managing the operational details of our clients’ implementations has given me key insights into how MediaPulse can impact organizations and make them more efficient,” Gilewicz said. “I’m passionate about our company, and I’m looking forward to directing all my attention to our customers and creating new partnerships.”
Roots in Entertainment
Born and raised in France, Gilewicz has worked in the media and entertainment space for the last 15 years — managing marketing for major music and entertainment brands internationally. Her organizational and communication skills as well as her in-depth knowledge of European markets are key skills she will deploy in her new role.
“There’s so much potential in the UK market for Xytech,” Gilewicz explained. “It’s a great time to focus our efforts, with IBC and MediaPulse’s version 9 both right around the corner.”