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Calling audio-visual archive and preservation experts

The Interoperable Master Format (IMF) is a recognized and standardized intermediate format for making and distributing complex audio-visual content, and has emerged as a promising candidate for archiving and preserving it.

The HPA IMF User Group (https://www.imfug.com) is organizing two workshops this fall to explore this complex problem:

  • Preserving movies with IMF

When: September 13 in Amsterdam, NL
Program chair: Siegfried Foessel <siegfried.foessel@iis.fraunhofer.de>
Event page: https://imf-in-archives-ibc-2019.eventbrite.com

  • Preserving and re-purposing studio productions using IMF

When: October 25 in Los Angeles, CA, USA
Program chair: Florian Schleich <fschleich@netflix.com>
Event page: https://imf-in-archive-atc-2019.eventbrite.com

Submit your presentation proposals by July 1 at archive@imfug.com

Submissions from archives, content producers/owners, product manufacturers and movie professionals are welcome. All submissions should include a short abstract (3-4 sentences) and specify the target event (Amsterdam and/or Los Angeles). Presentations should have a maximum duration of 15 minutes and should focus on archival and preservation use cases and workflows.

These workshops are a unique opportunity to meet experts and implementers, and share ideas, use cases, and requirements. Admission will be open to all, with tickets available starting August 1, 2019.

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