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Fortium to Present Tools and Strategies for Avoiding Cybercrime at HPA Tech Retreat

LONDON— Fortium, a leading provider of digital solutions for film, television and broadcast, will present its latest tools and strategies for protecting sensitive media content at the Hollywood Professional Association’s 2018 HPA Tech Retreat, February 19-23, in Palm Desert, California.

Fortium at TRFortium representatives will demonstrate the latest version of MediaSeal®, its advanced access control content security solution, with the new Live Folder encryption on-the fly feature, in the Tech Retreat’s Innovation Zone. Employed by studios, independent producers, post-production facilities and others around the globe, MediaSeal protects sensitive pre-release media during post-production, dubbing, localization and review, reducing the risk from cybercrime, accidental distribution and piracy. Fortium is a member of HPA’s IMF User group and will be demonstrating in the Innovation Zone’s section for IMF User Group members.

Additionally, Fortium CEO Mathew Gilliat-Smith will host two Breakfast Roundtable events on cyber security. In a session titled Production Security for Risk Reduction, Gilliat-Smith will discuss strategies that studios and other content producers can use to reduce the risk of piracy and protect content throughout the production cycle. It is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21 at 7:30 a.m.

In a session titled Cybercrime is Worse: Here’s Help, Gilliat-Smith will discuss the expanding scope of cyber threats and describe what media companies can do to can avoid becoming victims. It is scheduled for Thursday, February 22 at 7:30 a.m. “Even behind a firewall the threat of cybercrime is real, and every company needs to take the threat seriously,” Gilliat-Smith said. “It’s essential both to understand the nature and scale of the threat, and to take sensible measures to protect sensitive content.”

MediaSeal combines AES encryption with multi-layer access control and security auditing. Files are encrypted at-rest locally, centrally or in the cloud (an MPAA and CDSA guideline). Editors and reviewers can work on media securely, within segregated networks, with access control permissions managed across entire workflows, supported by comprehensive audit trails of user activity. MediaSeal is used on many of the current top TV and motion picture titles.

MediaSeal supports the IMF standard and protects all media formats from Pro Res to QT seamlessly in all editing workflows – Pro Tools, Media Composer, Premier, Final Cut. Ideal for collaborative workflows without impacting on the creative process. Fortium will demonstrating new encryption on-the-fly with Live Folders.

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