HPA YEP Class 2022 Announcement!

Please join us in welcoming the members of the HPA YEP class of 2022! These talented young professionals are the future of our industry and we can’t wait to introduce them to the HPA community at the Tech Retreat, HPA Awards, and other upcoming events.
Barbara Banda, Netflix
Eduardo Becerril, Entravision Communications
Benjamin Cantle, Monster Lighting
George Diaz, BuzzFeed
Matthew Klein, Company 3
Alexa Lowndes, Company 3
Kathryn Lynyak, Netflix
Jaxson McLennan, Freelance
Alexandra Pann, 3BMG Productions
Alexis Pfeffer, Freelance
Beatriz Rodriguez, Warner Bros.
Nan Su, Youth Beat
Interested in supporting YEPs in a mentoring role? Reach out to the YEP committee at yepcommittee@lists.hpaonline.com