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#PostChat: Women in post

In celebration of International Women’s Day, this Wednesday’s #PostChat @postchat on Twitter was about women in post production. Guests included editor Kylee Wall (@kyl33t), Creative Cow editor-in-chief Tim Wilson (@metropolitim), Creative Cow (@CreativeCOW) editorial manager Stefani Rice, long-time industry writer and Creative Cow contributor Debra Kaufman (@MobilizedDebra), and  myself (@postperspective). Of course, Jesse Averna (@Dr0id) was  there helping keep things moving in the right direction.

Here is a transcript for those who missed it: http://storify.com/EditorLiam/postchat-women-in-post-production

Wall (pictured), an editor at Biscardi Creative Media in Atlanta, recently finished editing season three of the PBS series This American Land. She relocated from Indianapolis last year, where she worked primarily in industrial corporate video by day with some independent narrative film work at night. “Right now, I primarily spend my days in Adobe Premiere Pro CC with dashes of After Effects and a willingness to jump into whatever is necessary. I’m fairly NLE-neutral.”

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