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Ramy Katrib & DigitalFilm Tree Celebrate 21 Years & a New Look

There are few moments in recent memory—at least in Digital Film Tree’s 21-year history as a post-production house—that have felt as urgent and important to amplify the storyteller’s voice as it feels today. In the midst of an overwhelming year for many, we celebrated a milestone birthday by looking around and looking within, all in order to best be of service—to our clients, our team, and to our community.

It was clear that we needed to reiterate, both our long-standing creative partners and those just meeting us for the first time, that DigitalFilm Tree is here, and has always been here, for one reason and one reason alone: empowering storytellers.

We looked at our own team: a complex and gifted arsenal of artists, technologists, and innovators. We looked at our clients: a kaleidoscope of talent, vision, passion, and persistence that humbled us as often as they challenged us—not one show forced halt or slow down because we quickly pivoted creatives into their homes with secure internet connections, remote editorial, and more. We looked at our peers: a landscape of pioneers and arbiters of industry-defining progress.

All together, what we saw was the beginnings of a new Hollywood; voices guiding us all into uncharted frontiers of growth, sustainability, and unprecedented opportunities of collaboration, not to be defined by location or the constraints of accessibility.

That outlook challenged us. This moment has reinvigorated us.

In the smallest of celebrations, we have rolled out our first new logo since our founding 21 years ago, and it is emblazoned upon our all-new and ever-growing website. It’s a site that shares our purpose, our history, and our people—upon whose backs we’ve been able to empower so many. And while DFT has adopted a new look, you’ll find many of us to be the same faces you’ve known for decades. Our growth, the success of our clients, the power in the stories we’ve been proud to help bring to light—all have been built by this dynamic and adaptive brain trust.

Whether you’ve known us the last 21 years or you’ll come to know us over the next, we’re grateful for the opportunity to serve your story and empower your voice in this new era for our industry, our audience, and our world.

Bring us your challenges, your biggest pain points, your most ominous hurdles, and let us do what we’ve done best – solve for you and reimagine what’s possible. As a people focused on a common goal – empowering storytellers from every corner, background, means, and ability – we’re thrilled to be walking into the new year with this fresh look and deepened focus on all we hold most dear.

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